Termination Policy

1. Grounds for Termination by Black Raters LLC:

Black Raters LLC reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or restrict your access to the Services, or terminate your account under certain circumstances, which may be enacted without prior notification. These circumstances include but are not limited to:

1.1. Concurrent Usage: If the Services are accessed concurrently using identical user credentials.

1.2. Unauthorized Sharing: If you allow another individual or entity to use your user identification for accessing the Services.

1.3. Unauthorized Activity: Any unauthorized access, usage, or any breach of security concerning the Services.

1.4. Violation of Terms: Any breach or violation of the stipulated Terms of Service.

1.5. Software or Data Tampering: Any detected tampering, modification, or alteration of the software or data files associated with or accessed through the


1.6. Inactivity: Failure to actively use the Services over an extended period.

1.7. Deceptive Behavior: Any form of abusive, deceptive, or fraudulent actions associated with the Services.

The above grounds for termination are not exhaustive and other reasons may apply at the sole discretion of Black Raters LLC.

2. User-Initiated Termination:

As a user, you hold the right to voluntarily terminate your account. To initiate this, you can send an email expressing your intention to unsubscribe@blackraters.com.

3. Consequences of Termination:

Upon the enforcement of termination, whether initiated by Black Raters LLC or by you:

3.1. Access Revocation: Your access rights to any content or features of the Services may be revoked.

3.2. Content and Data Deletion: Black Raters LLC may remove or discard any content, data, or information transmitted by you or associated with your account.

4. Liability Limitation:

Black Raters LLC will not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, to you or any third party for any claims, damages, or losses resulting from the suspension or termination of the Services.

5. Rights Post-Termination:

Any cessation of the Services or revocation of access rights will not affect any legal or equitable rights or reliefs to which Black Raters LLC might be entitled. Upon termination, all permissions and rights granted to you will be automatically and immediately rescinded, with all rights reverting to Black Raters LLC.